Eugene Fureev

Senior PHP / Go / JS developer, Software Architect

My name is Eugene, and I’ve been professionally developing software for 20+ years.

I have deep expertise in PHP, medium in Go and JS/TS, practice developing architecture of scalable and fault-tolerant applications. I played key roles in developing architectures of distributed systems of various projects.

I’m always on the bleeding edge of technologies and constantly learning new things. Quick understanding of other people’s code and new technologies, with which I have had no previous experience.

Troubleshooting mode is always on.

English level: B1/B2 (Intermediate), but I have considerably more experience in writing than in of verbal communication.

I have experience managing teams and building interactive processes between different teams in a company.

Hobbies: IT, Outdoor activities (snowboarding).

This CV is also available in russian language.


  • Software Architect, TechLead, TeamLead, Go/PHP/JS Dev

    Sitesoft 2016-2022
    Russia, Ekaterinburg
    • PHP
    • Go
    • JS/TS
    • RDBMS
    • RabbitMQ
    • ELK
    • CI/CD
    • Docker
    • Ansible
    • Docker
    • TS
    • GRPC
    • CI/CD
    • ClickHouse
    • OpenTracing
    • OpenApi
    • Arch
    • TeamLead
    • TechLead
    • DecisionMaking
    • Designed and implemented various architectures: micro-service, distributed, no-code and low-code
    • In developing the architecture I took into account: func. and non-func. reqs, infrastructure, interfaces between systems, scalability and fault-tolerance
    • Designed and developed a website builder platform with no-code / low-code architecture, multi-site, multi-language (UI & Data), based on plugins (modules) with distributed architecture (Sitesoft Platforms)
    • Developed and wrote documentation for various types of products, including OpenApi (Swagger)
    • Implemented Continuous Testing, which reduced the number of bugs in the product
    • Built CI/CD processes of development, building, testing and roll-out processes to product stands for: PHP, Go, JS
    • Monitoring services in production and during building (Consul, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Jaeger)
    • Errors and Business-logic Logging (Sentry, ELK, ClickHouse)

    Also engaged in planning and management:

    • Introduced standards for setting goals and tasks for SMART, unified flow of incoming and processing tasks
    • Introduced enterprise code development standards (GO, PHP, JS, CSS)
    • Made code review “must have” during development (+ cross-review)
    • Conducted meetings (grooming sessions, meetups, One-to-One, integrations) with teams and key persons at various levels (product owners, product managers, analysts, technical staff)
    • Conducted analyses of team work and made decisions based on the results
    • Monitored growing and LevelUps of team members and LevelUps
    • Interviewed (soft-, hard- skills) of team candidates
    • Managed development teams (back: 5+, front: 5+, testers, mobile-dev, analytics), including conflict decision within and between teams
    • Compromised between “Business Requirements” and “Architecture/Standards”, as well as “Performance” / “Quality”

    Major projects within the company that I supervised and developed:

    • Multi-portals system of the Russian Ministry of Defense
    • Multi-portals system of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate
    • Russian Ministry “RosTransNadzor” (Federal Transport Supervision)
    • Rosneft Company
    • Various internal commercial products of the Company
  • TechLead, PHP/JS Dev, Architect

    Perina Peroni/Miladoma 2016
    Russia, Ekaterinburg
    • PHP
    • JS
    • Postgres
    • RabbitMQ
    • Redis
    • Yii2
    • 1C
    • Ansible
    • TeamLead
    • TechLead
    • DecisionMaking
    • Migrated of all the company’s projects to a new architecture and a new platform
    • Splitting the code monolith into microservices
    • Integration of various projects of the Company into a single platform:
      • “Peroni Peroni” (retail): Online-store and offline-store chain
      • “MilaDoma” (retail): Retail online-store
      • “Wholesale Textile” (wholesale): Wholesale online-store
    • Developed a new Database structure
    • Interactions between services, implementation of various business processes
    • Experience with product’s SEO
    • Team management (3+)
  • PHP/JS Dev

    Automated Financial Complexes 2015-2016
    Russia, Ekaterinburg
    • PHP
    • JS
    • MySQL
    • RabbitMQ
    • Redis
    • ELK
    • CI
    • 1C
    • PhantomJS
    • Less/Sass
    • Development of a scoring (aggregate) platform for servicing microfinance organizations
    • Developed in the following areas:
      • Data scoring
      • Data processing drivers from third-party scoring services (NBKI, Scorista, Equifax, OKB)
      • Data Encryption
      • Authorization
      • Open data
    • Splitting the monolith of code into microservices
  • PHP/JS Dev (Federal online store/marketplace) 2013-2015
    Russia, Ekaterinburg
    • PHP
    • JS
    • MySQL
    • RabbitMQ
    • Redis
    • Postgres
    • Sphinx
    • Docker
    • Node
    • Less/Sass
    • XML
    • Sentry
    • Yii2
    • JIRA
    • Bitbucket
    • Github
    • Scrum
    • Development of new functionality
    • Fixing bugs of the current one
    • Gaining experience in a high-load project development
    • Gaining experience in a large distributed team
    • Working with a huge code-monolith
  • PHP/JS Dev

    Feugene Group• 2007-2015
    Russia, Ekaterinburg
    • PHP
    • JS
    • MySQL
    • PHP
    • JS
    • Delphi
    • MySQL
    • Cron
    • CSS
    • Git
    • Photoshop
    • CorelDraw
    • Development of own CMS from scratch (PHP, JS, MySQL)
    • Multithreaded data aggregation service (state contracts) from the site with EIS Zakupki (Delphi)
    • Development of the database structure (MySQL)
    • Getting experience during developing product with: PHP, JS, RDBMS
    • Design of interfaces using Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw
    • Converting layout into HTML
    • Servers administration (Nginx, Mail servers, DB, cron, etc)
    • Interactions with people: communicating with Clients, setting tasks for Designers, Programmers and their control
    • Improvements to third-party projects


PHP (7/8) Very high
Go (Golang) Medium
JavaScript/TypeScript Above medium
CI/CD Medium
Architecture Above medium
Team management Above medium


open source
PHP multi-trees structure 115
Laravel Package of Multi-Tree structure
TS µ 6
JavaScript collection of utilities and helpers
GO mockery
Response mocker
GO envi 1
Package to manage .env files
TS browser logger 3
Browser Console Logger

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